Spirituality at Culworth School
What is spirituality, what does it mean to you, our school community and how can we develop it?
This is a question that we posed to all of our school family, including staff, pupils, parents and the wider community. We wanted to make a definition of what it meant to us all collectively. After reading all the reponses and collating similar ideas we came to the conclusion that spirituality means...
- a sense of who we are as a unique individual
- how we fit into and understand our place in our communities
- our sense of some things being bigger than ourselves
- our ability to act in a way that expresses who we are and what we believe
We completely encourage all members of our school community to develop their own understanding of what Spirituality means for them as individuals and we aim for a dynamic and inclusive interaction across all views.
As a school we felt compelled to make a promise to our school community, to show our commitment to providing opportunities within our curriculum, where developing one's own spirituality is celebrated, supported and encouraged.
Culworth School promise...
- To let you take part in action about things that you believe in
- To give you opportunity to explore values seen across different scenarios and enable you time to reflect on their impact on your beliefs and actions
- To give you time and space to be quiet and reflective
- To provide collaborative opportunities to broaden your sense of team and community, allowing you to find your place within it
- To provide an approach to RE which enables you to explore a range of beliefs and non beliefs of others and how these impact on you and to think about which ones make a difference to you
- To celebrate success of effort, attitude and integrity as well as of achievement
- To listen to your views and opinions
- To ensure we use an empathetic appproach to support all children's behaviour
spirituality promise in action.pdf
Spirituality_promise_in_action. powerpoint
We have recently had Prayer Spaces in school. This was an amazing experience which enabled our children to explore life’s questions, spirituality and faith in a safe, creative and interactive way.
Following prayer spaces we asked our children the impact these sessions had on them?
Lucia - Year 5 "Prayer spaces helped me to realise that a little bit of calm helps me to re-focus more."
Nami- Year 6 "After this day, I felt calmer; the atmosphere in school was so relaxed."
Freya - Year 6 " The fizzing activity helped me to say goodbye to something that worried me and it made me feel better. The activites made me feel grateful for what I have."