​Culworth CEVA Primary Academy

  • evolve trust

Sports Premium

PE & Sports Premium

2023 - 2024 has been an exciting and eventful year for Culworth School. Please click on the link below to read about the ways in which we have used PE funding this year, to enhance the physical provision for our children.

pe sport premium impact document 22 23.pdf


Impact of PE & Sports Premium July 2022Click on the link below for 2020-2021 Impact and evidence document which will give full details of our expenditure and impact in this area for the past year.
Impact & Evidence 2021 - 2022

Impact & Evidence 2019 - 2020
In the academic year 2019/2020 our PE premium was £17,130. Please see the attached document for the full breakdown of how this was spent to support the development of sports provision within our school.

In the academic year of 2017/18, we received a total of £16,720 as part of the School PE & Sports’ Premium. This money is to support the development of sport provision in schools and is spent at each school’s discretion.

At Culworth CE Primary Academy, we have used this to update our equipment and storage of this equipment and continue to pay for a recommended scheme of work supported by training for staff.
​As part of a major school drive on activity in the playground for children, the school is spending half of the PE grant on the active play areas within the school grounds. This is intended to further encourage positive and engaging play among the children and can also be used during curriculum time to enhance the physical experiences of all of our children.
Alongside the other cluster primaries, we have financially supported a Schools Sport Coordinator from Chenderit Academy to organise competitions and training for staff etc.

PE Premium Plan 2019